Digitalization and Preservation of the seals
Some examples from the Archives of the Bohemian Crown By Libuše Holakovská The charters and seals of the Archives of the Bohemian Crown (AČK) are given – due to their significance – an extraordinary...
Archive / Artikel / AutorIn / Libuše Holakovská / Národni archiv, Praha (CZ) / Vorträge
von Redaktion · Published 17. August 2016 · Last modified 18. August 2016
Some examples from the Archives of the Bohemian Crown By Libuše Holakovská The charters and seals of the Archives of the Bohemian Crown (AČK) are given – due to their significance – an extraordinary...
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Unterwegs im Donauraum des Mittelalters (1000-1500)
30. März 2018
Networks of witnesses at the 16th-century cadi court of Siklós, Hungary?
22. Dezember 2017
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